Computer Programming Framework CIP Code: 110201 Total Framework Hours: up to 1080 Course: Computer Programming Preparatory Career Cluster: Information Technology Cluster Pathway: WASTS Date Last Modified: 1/4/2010 COMPONENTS AND COMPETENCIES Performance Assessments: Creation of software scripting that accomplishes a specified task and meets performance standards STANDARDS AND COMPETENCIES Standard: C-1 Develop employability skills to secure and keep employment in chosen field Total Learning Hours for Standard: 10 Competency Competency Description C-1.1 Evaluate industries, organizations, and careers based on multiple sources of research and information C-1.2 Assess interest areas to determine potential career pathways, including career ladders C-1.3 Develop a career plan with alternatives C-1.4 Complete job applications and related employment documents (e.g. W-4) C-1.5 Create professional cover letters, resumes, and portfolios in a variety of formats (print and electronic) C-1.6 Apply job search skills to seek, evaluate, apply for, and accept employment C-1.7 Demonstrate good interviewing skills C-1.8 Demonstrate employability skills needed to get and keep a job C-1.9 Assess alternative occupational choices (e.g. working conditions, benefits, and opportunities to change) EALRs or GLEs (Taught & Assessed in Standards) Math 5.3.2 Understand that mathematics is used in many occupations or careers. Reading 1.3.2 Understand and apply content/academic vocabulary critical to the meaning Communications 3.1.1 Applies skills to plan and organize effective oral communication and presentation 3.3.1 Applies skills and strategies for the delivery of effective oral communication and presentations. SKILLS Leadership: 2.5 The student will demonstrate a working knowledge of parliamentary procedure. 3.1 The student will analyze the roles and responsibilities of citizenship. 3.2 The student will demonstrate social responsibility in family, community, and business and industry. 3.3 The student will understand their role, participate in and evaluate community service and service learning activities. 3.4 The student will understand the organizational skills necessary to be a successful leader and citizen and practices those skills in real life. 3.5 The student will understand and utilize organizational systems to advocate for issues on the local, state, and international level. 3.6 The student will understand the importance of and utilize the components and structure of community-based organizations. Employability: Resources A. Time - Selects goal-relevant activities, ranks them, allocates time, and prepares and follows schedules Interpersonal A. Participates as a Member of a Team – contributes to group effort Analytical, Logical & Creative Thinking: Evaluate personal strengths and weaknesses in preparation for job search and employment Relevance to Work: Employees need to evaluate their strengths and work on weaknesses in preparation for employment. STANDARDS AND COMPETENCIES Standard: C-2 Communicate in multiple modes to address needs within the career and technical field Total Learning Hours for Standard: 20 Competency Competency Description C-2.1 Apply strategies to enhance effectiveness of all types of communications in the workplace C-2.2 Apply reading skills and strategies to work-related documents C-2.3 Locate information from books, journals, magazines, and the Internet C-2.4 Apply basic writing skills to work-related communication C-2.5 Write work-related materials C-2.6 Explain information presented graphically C-2.7 Use writing/publishing/presentation applications C-2.8 Apply basic skills for work-related oral communication C-2.9 Explain proper telephone etiquette and skills C-2.10 Lead formal and informal group discussions C-2.11 Demonstrate effective negotiation and conflict management C-2.12 Apply active listening skills to obtain and clarify information C-2.13 Communicate with others in a diverse workforce EALRs or GLEs (Taught & Assessed in Standards) Reading 1.3.2 Understand and apply content/academic vocabulary critical to the meaning Communications 1.1.1 Applies a variety of listening strategies to accommodate the listening situation. 3.1.1 Applies skills to plan and organize effective oral communication and presentation SKILLS Leadership: 2.1 The student will communicate, participate, and advocate effectively in pairs, small groups, teams, and large groups in order to reach common goals. 3.1 The student will analyze the roles and responsibilities of citizenship. 3.2 The student will demonstrate social responsibility in family, community, and business and industry. 3.3 The student will understand their role, participate in and evaluate community service and service learning activities. 3.4 The student will understand the organizational skills necessary to be a successful leader and citizen and practices those skills in real life. 3.5 The student will understand and utilize organizational systems to advocate for issues on the local, state, and international level. 3.6 The student will understand the importance of and utilize the components and structure of community-based organizations. 3.7 The student will participate in the development of a program of work or strategic plan and will work to implement the organization's goals. Employability: Information C. Interprets and Communicates Information – selects and analyzes information and communicates the results to others using oral, written, graphic, pictorial, or multi-media methods Interpersonal D. Exercises Leadership – communicates ideas to justify position, persuades and convinces others, responsibly challenges existing procedures and policies Interpersonal F. Works with Diversity – works well with men and women from diverse backgrounds Analytical, Logical & Creative Thinking: Formulates a new solution and communicates algorithm to group members Relevance to Work: Employees need both written and oral communication skills when planning and writing code and documentation. STANDARDS AND COMPETENCIES Standard: C-3 Solve problems using critical thinking Total Learning Hours for Standard: 60 Competency Competency Description C-3.1 Demonstrate skills used to define and analyze a given problem C-3.2 Explain the importance and dynamics of individual and teamwork approaches of problem solving C-3.3 Describe methods of researching and validating reliable information relevant to the problem C-3.4 Explain strategies used to formulate ideas, proposals and solutions to problems C-3.5 Select potential solutions based on reasoned criteria C-3.6 Implement and evaluate solution(s) EALRs or GLEs (Taught & Assessed in Standards) Math 1.5.6 Apply properties to solve multi‑step equations and systems of equations. 2.2.3 Apply a variety of strategies and approaches to construct solutions 2.2.4 Determine whether a solution is viable, is mathematically correct, and answers the question(s). Reading 1.3.2 Understand and apply content/academic vocabulary critical to the meaning SKILLS Leadership: 1.6 The student will demonstrate self-advocacy skills by achieving planned, individual goals. 2.1 The student will communicate, participate, and advocate effectively in pairs, small groups, teams, and large groups in order to reach common goals. Employability: Information A. Acquires and Evaluates Information- identifies need for data, obtains it from existing sources or creates it, and evaluates its relevance and accuracy Technology A. Selects technology – chooses procedures, tools or equipment including computers and related technologies Technology C. Maintains and Troubleshoots Equipment – Prevents, identifies, or solves problems with equipment, including computers and other technologies Analytical, Logical & Creative Thinking: Examines information; Analyzes data; and Recommends and action plan Relevance to Work: Employees must analyze data and identify the problem before working on a solution. STANDARDS AND COMPETENCIES Standard: C-4 Demonstrate positive work behaviors Total Learning Hours for Standard: 20 Competency Competency Description C-4.1 Identify time management and task prioritization skills C-4.2 Explain the importance of following workplace etiquette/protocol C-4.3 Demonstrate willingness to learn and further develop skills C-4.4 Demonstrate self-management skills C-4.5 List causes of stress and effective stress management techniques C-4.6 Describe the importance of having a positive attitude and techniques that boost morale C-4.7 Show initiative by coming up with unique solutions and taking on extra responsibilities C-4.8 Explain the importance of setting goals and demonstrate the ability to set, reach, and evaluate goals C-4.9 The importance of taking pride in work accomplished and extrinsic and intrinsic motivators that can be used to increase pride C-4.10 Value the importance of professionalism, including reliability, honesty, responsibility, and ethics C-4.11 Demonstrate a respect for diversity and its benefit to the workplace EALRs or GLEs (Taught & Assessed in Standards) Math 5.3.2 Understand that mathematics is used in many occupations or careers. SKILLS Leadership: 2.5 The student will demonstrate a working knowledge of parliamentary procedure. 3.1 The student will analyze the roles and responsibilities of citizenship. 3.2 The student will demonstrate social responsibility in family, community, and business and industry. 3.3 The student will understand their role, participate in and evaluate community service and service learning activities. 3.4 The student will understand the organizational skills necessary to be a successful leader and citizen and practices those skills in real life. 3.5 The student will understand and utilize organizational systems to advocate for issues on the local, state, and international level. 3.6 The student will understand the importance of and utilize the components and structure of community-based organizations. 3.7 The student will participate in the development of a program of work or strategic plan and will work to implement the organization's goals. Employability: Interpersonal E. Negotiates – works toward agreements involving exchange of resources, resolves divergent interests Systems C. Improves or Designs Systems – suggests modifications to existing systems and develops new or alternative systems to improve performance Analytical, Logical & Creative Thinking: Establishes group work goals and assignments; Evaluates progress and reassigns tasks. Relevance to Work: Employees must demonstrate professional habits in order to work efficiently on individual and group projects. STANDARDS AND COMPETENCIES Standard: C-5 Define health and safety regulations Total Learning Hours for Standard: 5 Competency Competency Description C-5.1 Identify and apply OSHA and other health and safety regulations that apply to specific tasks and jobs in the occupational area C-5.2 Identify and apply EPA and other environmental protection regulations that apply to specific tasks and jobs in the occupational area C-5.3 Identify and apply Right-To-Know (Hazard Communication Policy) and other communicative regulations that apply to specific tasks and jobs in the occupational area C-5.4 Explain procedures for documenting and reporting hazards to appropriate authorities C-5.5 List penalties for non-compliance with appropriate health and safety regulations C-5.6 Identify contact information for appropriate health and safety agencies and resources C-5.7 Create a systematic safety program which would achieve OSHA compliance and promote a safe working environment C-5.8 Illustrate a safe environment for students in printing EALRs or GLEs (Taught & Assessed in Standards) SKILLS Leadership: 1.4 The student will be involved in activities that require applying theory, problem-solving, and using critical and creative thinking skills while understanding outcomes of related decisions. Employability: Information A: Acquires and Evaluates Information- identifies need for data, obtains it from existing sources or creates it, and evaluates its relevance and accuracy Information C. Interprets and Communicates Information – selects and analyzes information and communicates the results to others using oral, written, graphic, pictorial, or multi-media methods Analytical, Logical & Creative Thinking: Identifies the problem Analyzes possible causes Generates solutions to complex applied problems Relevance to Work: Problem solving is a necessary everyday skill needed by all effective workers. STANDARDS AND COMPETENCIES Standard: C-6 Demonstrate health and safety practices Total Learning Hours for Standard: 5 Competency Competency Description C-6.1 Identify, describe and demonstrate the effective use of Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) C-6.2 Read chemical, product, and equipment labels to determine appropriate health and safety considerations C-6.3 Identify, describe and demonstrate personal, shop and job site safety practices and procedures C-6.4 Demonstrate safe dress and use of relevant safety gear and personal protective equipment (PPE), including wrist rests, adjustable workspaces and equipment, gloves, boots, earplugs, eye protection, and breathing apparatus C-6.5 Illustrate appropriate safe body mechanics, including proper lifting techniques and ergonomics C-6.6 Locate emergency equipment in your lab, shop, and classroom, including (where appropriate) eyewash stations, shower facilities, sinks, fire extinguishers, fire blankets, telephone, master power switches, and emergency exits C-6.7 Demonstrate the safe use, storage, and maintenance of every piece of equipment in the lab, shop, and classroom C-6.8 Describe safety practices and procedures to be followed when working with and around electricity C-6.9 Illustrate proper handling and storage practices, including working with hazardous materials, disposal, and recycling C-6.10 Demonstrate proper workspace cleaning procedures EALRs or GLEs (Taught & Assessed in Standards) SKILLS Leadership: 1.4 The student will be involved in activities that require applying theory, problem-solving, and using critical and creative thinking skills while understanding outcomes of related decisions. Employability: Information A: Acquires and Evaluates Information- identifies need for data, obtains it from existing sources or creates it, and evaluates its relevance and accuracy Information C. Interprets and Communicates Information – selects and analyzes information and communicates the results to others using oral, written, graphic, pictorial, or multi-media methods Analytical, Logical & Creative Thinking: Identifies the problem Analyzes possible causes Generates solutions to complex applied problems Relevance to Work: Problem solving is a necessary everyday skill needed by all effective workers. STANDARDS AND COMPETENCIES Standard: C-7 Demonstrate responses to situations that threaten health and safety Total Learning Hours for Standard: 5 Competency Competency Description C-7.1 Illustrate First Aid procedures for potential injuries and other health concerns in the occupational area C-7.2 Describe the importance of emergency preparedness and an emergency action plan C-7.3 Illustrate procedures used to handle emergency situations and accidents, including identification, reporting, response, evacuation plans, and follow-up procedures C-7.4 Identify practices used to avoid accidents C-7.5 Identify and describe fire protection, precautions and response procedures C-7.6 Discuss the role of the individual and the company/organization in ensuring workplace safety C-7.8 Discuss ways to identify and prevent workplace/school violence EALRs or GLEs (Taught & Assessed in Standards) SKILLS Leadership: 1.4 The student will be involved in activities that require applying theory, problem-solving, and using critical and creative thinking skills while understanding outcomes of related decisions. Employability: Information A: Acquires and Evaluates Information- identifies need for data, obtains it from existing sources or creates it, and evaluates its relevance and accuracy Information C. Interprets and Communicates Information – selects and analyzes information and communicates the results to others using oral, written, graphic, pictorial, or multi-media methods Analytical, Logical & Creative Thinking: Identifies the problem Analyzes possible causes Generates solutions to complex applied problems Relevance to Work: Problem solving is a necessary everyday skill needed by all effective workers. STANDARDS AND COMPETENCIES Standard: C-8 Compare and contrast how the responsibility for health is dependent upon the individual, as opposed to a supervisor or others Total Learning Hours for Standard: 30 Competency Competency Description C-8.1 Demonstrate preventive maintenance and lubrication procedures C-8.2 Demonstrate awareness that all machine guards are in place and operating properly before using equipment C-8.3 Identify the existence of pinch points located behind the machine guarding on a sheet fed-offset press EALRs or GLEs (Taught & Assessed in Standards) SKILLS Leadership: 1.4 The student will be involved in activities that require applying theory, problem-solving, and using critical and creative thinking skills while understanding outcomes of related decisions. Employability: Information A: Acquires and Evaluates Information- identifies need for data, obtains it from existing sources or creates it, and evaluates its relevance and accuracy Information C. Interprets and Communicates Information – selects and analyzes information and communicates the results to others using oral, written, graphic, pictorial, or multi-media methods Analytical, Logical & Creative Thinking: Identifies the problem Analyzes possible causes Generates solutions to complex applied problems Relevance to Work: Problem solving is a necessary everyday skill needed by all effective workers. STANDARDS AND COMPETENCIES Standard: C-9 Apply Problem Solving and Troubleshooting Basics Total Learning Hours for Standard: 100 Competency Competency Description C-9.1 Define and document a problem C-9.2 Define possible causes of a problem C-9.3 Determine and discuss possible solutions to a problem C-9.4 Explain and perform basic troubleshooting and maintenance tasks EALRs or GLEs (Taught & Assessed in Standards) Math 1.5.2 Determine an equation or rule for a linear function represented in a pattern, table, graph, or model. 1.5.4 Use variables to write expressions, linear equations, and inequalities that represent situations involving rational numbers, whole number powers, and square roots. 1.5.6 Apply properties to solve multi‑step equations and systems of equations. 2.2.3 Apply a variety of strategies and approaches to construct solutions 2.2.4 Determine whether a solution is viable, is mathematically correct, and answers the question(s). SKILLS Leadership: 1.6 The student will demonstrate self-advocacy skills by achieving planned, individual goals. 2.1 The student will communicate, participate, and advocate effectively in pairs, small groups, teams, and large groups in order to reach common goals. Employability: Technology B. Applies Technology to Task – Understands overall intent and proper procedures to setup and operation of equipment Systems B. Monitors and Corrects Performance – distinguishes trends, predicts impacts on system operations, diagnoses deviations in systems’ performance and corrects malfunctions Analytical, Logical & Creative Thinking: Identify the problem; Collect and analyze data; Propose a solution to problems Relevance to Work: Employees must identify and understand the problem before they can begin to work on a solution. STANDARDS AND COMPETENCIES Standard: C-10 Explain programming concepts Total Learning Hours for Standard: 20 Competency Competency Description C-10.1 Define what a computer program is C-10.2 Define how a computer program runs C-10.3 Identify the applications appropriate for each programming language C-10.4 Define functions/methods/procedures C-10.5 Define programming structures C-10.6 Differentiate between procedural and object oriented programming C-10.7 Define purpose and use of flowcharting and pseudocode EALRs or GLEs (Taught & Assessed in Standards) Math 1.5.6 Apply properties to solve multi‑step equations and systems of equations. 2.2.3 Apply a variety of strategies and approaches to construct solutions 2.2.4 Determine whether a solution is viable, is mathematically correct, and answers the question(s). Reading 1.3.2 Understand and apply content/academic vocabulary critical to the meaning SKILLS Leadership: 2.1 The student will communicate, participate, and advocate effectively in pairs, small groups, teams, and large groups in order to reach common goals. Employability: Information B. Organizes and Maintains Information- organizes, processes, and maintains written or computerized records and other forms of information in a systematic fashion Information D. Uses Computers to Process Information – employs computers to acquire, organize, analyze, and communicate information Analytical, Logical & Creative Thinking: Analyze the problem, Visualize a solution; Generate a program; Test and debug software Relevance to Work: Employees must understand programming concepts in order to apply an algorithm to a computer programming task. STANDARDS AND COMPETENCIES Standard: C-11 Explain security and risk awareness issues Total Learning Hours for Standard: 5 Competency Competency Description C-11.1 Discuss security principles, privacy issues, vulnerability and threats C-11.2 Explain principles of secure passwording strategies C-11.3 Illustrate what fundamental legal issues involved with security management EALRs or GLEs (Taught & Assessed in Standards) Reading 1.3.2 Understand and apply content/academic vocabulary critical to the meaning Communications 3.1.1 Applies skills to plan and organize effective oral communication and presentation 3.3.1 Applies skills and strategies for the delivery of effective oral communication and presentations. SKILLS Leadership: 1.4 The student will apply leadership skills in real-world, family, community, and business and industry applications. 1.5 The student will be involved in activities that require applying theory, problem-solving, and using critical and creative thinking skills while understanding outcomes of related decisions. Employability: Systems A. Understands Systems – knows how social, organizational, and technological systems work and operates effectively with them Analytical, Logical & Creative Thinking: Identify security and risk vulnerabilities in software. Relevance to Work: Employees must develop safe computer habits in order to avoid security threats. STANDARDS AND COMPETENCIES Standard: C-12 Demonstrate project management skills Total Learning Hours for Standard: 50 Competency Competency Description C-12.1 Define scope of work to achieve individual and group goals C-12.2 Identify stakeholders and decision makers C-12.3 Identify escalation procedures C-12.4 Develop work breakdown structures C-12.5 Evaluate project requirements C-12.6 Identify required resources and budget C-12.7 Estimate time requirements C-12.8 Develop initial project management flow chart C-12.9 Identify interdependencies within a project management plan C-12.10 Identify and track critical milestones C-12.11 Evaluate risks and prepare contingency plan C-12.12 Participate in project phase review and report project status C-12.13 Identify project management software C-12.14 Develop method of evaluation C-12.15 Formulate a task strategy C-12.16 Prioritize tasks according to customer needs C-12.17 Devise plan of action C-12.18 Identify means of managing change EALRs or GLEs (Taught & Assessed in Standards) Math 2.1.1 Formulate questions to be answered to solve a problem 2.2.3 Apply a variety of strategies and approaches to construct solutions 2.2.4 Determine whether a solution is viable, is mathematically correct, and answers the question(s). SKILLS Leadership: 1.4 The student will apply leadership skills in real-world, family, community, and business and industry applications. 1.5 The student will be involved in activities that require applying theory, problem-solving, and using critical and creative thinking skills while understanding outcomes of related decisions. 1.6 The student will demonstrate self-advocacy skills by achieving planned, individual goals. 2.1 The student will communicate, participate, and advocate effectively in pairs, small groups, teams, and large groups in order to reach common goals. 2.2 The student will demonstrate knowledge of conflict resolution and challenge management. 2.3 The student will analyze the complex responsibilities of the leader and follower and demonstrate the ability to both lead and follow. 2.6 The student will use knowledge, build interest, guide and influence decisions, organize efforts, and involve members of a group to assure that a pre-planned group activity is completed. 2.8 The student will demonstrate the ability to incorporate and utilize the principles of group dynamics in a variety of settings. Employability: Resources A. Time - Selects goal-relevant activities, ranks them, allocates time, and prepares and follows schedules Resources D. Human Resources – Assesses skills and distributes work accordingly, evaluates performance and provides feedback Analytical, Logical & Creative Thinking: Analyze information; Formulate a plan of action; Evaluate and adjust plan of action on group and individual projects. Relevance to Work: Employees must develop a plan of action and manage the workflow of a project from start to finish in order to complete the project on time. STANDARDS AND COMPETENCIES Standard: C-13 Prepare, present and evaluate documentation Total Learning Hours for Standard: 25 Competency Competency Description C-13.1 Prepare a technical documentation report that is clear, concise, accurate, complete, appropriate, and grammatically correct C-13.2 Describe the contents, characteristics and the purpose of network documentation, user documentation, troubleshooting logs, and maintenance logs C-13.3 Evaluate technical documentation and provide revision recommendations EALRs or GLEs (Taught & Assessed in Standards) Math 1.5.1 Publishes in formats that are appropriate for specific audiences and purposes. 2.4.1 Produces documents used in a career setting. 3.3.2 Spells accurately in final draft. 3.3.7 Applies paragraph conventions. Reading 1.3.2 Understand and apply content/academic vocabulary critical to the meaning Communications 3.1.1 Applies skills to plan and organize effective oral communication and presentation SKILLS Leadership: 1.6 The student will demonstrate self-advocacy skills by achieving planned, individual goals. Employability: Information C. Interprets and Communicates Information – selects and analyzes information and communicates the results to others using oral, written, graphic, pictorial, or multi-media methods Analytical, Logical & Creative Thinking: Examine information/data for relevance and accuracy in preparation for oral and written presentations. Relevance to Work: Employees must be able to present clear documentation to end users explaining the characteristics and purpose of the program. STANDARDS AND COMPETENCIES Standard: C-14 Explain fundamental programming theory Total Learning Hours for Standard: 50 Competency Competency Description C-14.1 Describe the relationship between hardware and software C-14.2 Analyze programming languages for uses, structure, and environment C-14.3 Classify the various programming languages by communication level C-14.4 Summarize the function and operation of compilers and interpreters C-14.5 List the stages of program development C-14.6 Analyze a problem identifying desired outputs for given inputs C-14.7 Describe the fundamental data types and their operations (including arrays) C-14.8 Design program logic using graphical techniques (flow charts) C-14.9 Design program logic using pseudocode techniques C-14.10 Identify the use of program design tools C-14.11 Explain structured/modular programming C-14.12 Describe the information system (IS) life cycle C-14.13 List the characteristics and uses of batch processing C-14.14 List the characteristics and uses of interactive processing C-14.15 List the characteristics and uses of event-driven, object-oriented procession C-14.16 Illustrate characteristics of technical documentation associated with software development C-14.17 Understand the complexity and efficiency of given algorithms EALRs or GLEs (Taught & Assessed in Standards) Math 2.2.3 Apply a variety of strategies and approaches to construct solutions 2.2.4 Determine whether a solution is viable, is mathematically correct, and answers the question(s). Reading 1.3.2 Understand and apply content/academic vocabulary critical to the meaning Communications 3.1.1 Applies skills to plan and organize effective oral communication and presentation 3.3.1 Applies skills and strategies for the delivery of effective oral communication and presentations. SKILLS Leadership: 1.6 The student will demonstrate self-advocacy skills by achieving planned, individual goals. 2.1 The student will communicate, participate, and advocate effectively in pairs, small groups, teams, and large groups in order to reach common goals. Employability: Resources B. Money - Uses or prepares budgets, makes forecasts, keeps records, and makes adjustments to meet objectives Resources C. Material and Facilities – Acquires, stores, allocates, and uses materials or space efficiently Information C. Interprets and Communicates Information – selects and analyzes information and communicates the results to others using oral, written, graphic, pictorial, or multi-media methods Analytical, Logical & Creative Thinking: Analyze a problem and determine the appropriate data structures to be used. Relevance to Work: Employees must use their understanding of programming theory to develop algorithms and code solutions. STANDARDS AND COMPETENCIES Standard: C-15 Plan programs Total Learning Hours for Standard: 100 Competency Competency Description C-15.1 Develop a problem statement C-15.2 Define the assumptions that define the scope of the problem C-15.3 List strategies used to gather known information C-15.4 Apply known information to the problem statement C-15.5 Hypothesize expected output C-15.6 Evaluate the viability of proposed solutions EALRs or GLEs (Taught & Assessed in Standards) Math 1.5.6 Apply properties to solve multi‑step equations and systems of equations. 2.2.3 Apply a variety of strategies and approaches to construct solutions 2.2.4 Determine whether a solution is viable, is mathematically correct, and answers the question(s). SKILLS Leadership: 1.4 The student will apply leadership skills in real-world, family, community, and business and industry applications. 1.5 The student will be involved in activities that require applying theory, problem-solving, and using critical and creative thinking skills while understanding outcomes of related decisions. 1.6 The student will demonstrate self-advocacy skills by achieving planned, individual goals. 2.1 The student will communicate, participate, and advocate effectively in pairs, small groups, teams, and large groups in order to reach common goals. 2.2 The student will demonstrate knowledge of conflict resolution and challenge management. 2.3 The student will analyze the complex responsibilities of the leader and follower and demonstrate the ability to both lead and follow. Employability: Information A. Acquires and Evaluates Information- identifies need for data, obtains it from existing sources or creates it, and evaluates its relevance and accuracy Technology A. Selects technology – chooses procedures, tools or equipment including computers and related technologies Analytical, Logical & Creative Thinking: Develop an algorithm and apply standard programming principles to a problem. Relevance to Work: Employees must know how to formulate a problem statement and make a plan to solve the problem STANDARDS AND COMPETENCIES Standard: C-16 Develop programs Total Learning Hours for Standard: 500 Competency Competency Description C-16.1 Develop programs using desired language C-16.2 Develop programs that use arithmetic operations C-16.3 Develop programs that use relational operators C-16.4 Explain and apply the use of logical operators C-16.5 Explain and apply compound conditions C-16.6 Explain and apply control breaks C-16.7 Explain and apply methods of calculating subtotals and final totals C-16.8 Explain and apply iterative and conditional loops C-16.9 Describe common development environments C-16.10 Explain and apply the use of sort and search routines C-16.11 Explain and apply the use of files in programming C-16.14 Explain and apply appropriate methods of memory management C-16.16 Develop interactive programs C-16.17 Explain and apply the use of appropriate data structures, which may include arrays, linked lists, queues, stacks C-16.19 Design and develop classes, subclasses C-16.20 Instantiate objects C-16.21 Explain and apply methods of incorporating error handling routines C-16.22 Define and apply built-in functions C-16.23 Create user-defined functions C-16.24 Apply language specific programming techniques C-16.25 Test and run a program for desired output C-16.26 Explain and apply methods used to debug a program C-16.27 Utilize reference materials for problem solving C-16.29 Provide internal documentation EALRs or GLEs (Taught & Assessed in Standards) Math 1.1.6 Complete multi‑step computations with combinations of rational numbers using order of operations and addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, powers, and square roots. 1.1.8 Apply estimation strategies in situations involving multi‑step computations of rational numbers using addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, powers, and square roots to predict or determine reasonableness of answers 1.2.1 Understand the relationship between change in one or two linear dimension(s) and corresponding change in perimeter, area, surface area, and volume 1.3.3 Use geometric properties to determine and plot points on a coordinate grid 1.5.2 Determine an equation or rule for a linear function represented in a pattern, table, graph, or model. 1.5.4 Use variables to write expressions, linear equations, and inequalities that represent situations involving rational numbers, whole number powers, and square roots. 1.5.5 Apply algebraic properties to simplify expressions involving whole number exponents. 2.2.3 Apply a variety of strategies and approaches to construct solutions 2.2.4 Determine whether a solution is viable, is mathematically correct, and answers the question(s). SKILLS Leadership: 1.4 The student will apply leadership skills in real-world, family, community, and business and industry applications. 1.5 The student will be involved in activities that require applying theory, problem-solving, and using critical and creative thinking skills while understanding outcomes of related decisions. 1.6 The student will demonstrate self-advocacy skills by achieving planned, individual goals. 2.1 The student will communicate, participate, and advocate effectively in pairs, small groups, teams, and large groups in order to reach common goals. 2.2 The student will demonstrate knowledge of conflict resolution and challenge management. 2.3 The student will analyze the complex responsibilities of the leader and follower and demonstrate the ability to both lead and follow. Employability: Technology A. Selects technology – chooses procedures, tools or equipment including computers and related technologies Technology B. Applies Technology to Task – Understands overall intent and proper procedures to setup and operation of equipment Analytical, Logical & Creative Thinking: Understand basic Java syntax in order to synthesize a program that meets the needs of the users. Relevance to Work: Employees must be able to write code that is effective and concise. STANDARDS AND COMPETENCIES Standard: C-17 Implement and manage software Total Learning Hours for Standard: 25 Competency Competency Description C-17.1 Demonstrate ability to work on a software development team C-17.2 Identify sources and techniques used to gather information needed for implementation C-17.3 Explain and demonstrate a program’s use/function C-17.4 Plan and write end user documentation C-17.5 List and apply methods used to troubleshoot compatibility issues of hardware and software C-17.6 Disable/uninstall software that may interfere with installation of a program C-17.7 Document installation and configuration procedures C-17.8 Explain and demonstrate methods to verify software/program installation and operation C-17.9 Identify the issues of security in programming and software implementation C-17.10 Explain the importance of versioning and source code control C-17.11 Generate packaged code ready for delivery C-17.12 Explain release management C-17.13 Explain and apply methods used to maintain application/program EALRs or GLEs (Taught & Assessed in Standards) Writing 1.5.1 Publishes in formats that are appropriate for specific audiences and purposes. 2.4.1 Produces documents used in a career setting. 3.3.2 Spells accurately in final draft. 3.3.7 Applies paragraph conventions. SKILLS Leadership: 2.2 The student will demonstrate knowledge of conflict resolution and challenge management. 2.3 The student will analyze the complex responsibilities of the leader and follower and demonstrate the ability to both lead and follow. 2.6 The student will use knowledge, build interest, guide and influence decisions, organize efforts, and involve members of a group to assure that a pre-planned group activity is completed. 2.8 The student will demonstrate the ability to incorporate and utilize the principles of group dynamics in a variety of settings. Employability: Interpersonal C. Serves Clients/Customers – works to satisfy customers’ expectations Resources D. Human Resources – Assesses skills and distributes work accordingly, evaluates performance and provides feedback Information C. Interprets and Communicates Information – selects and analyzes information and communicates the results to others using oral, written, graphic, pictorial, or multi-media methods Analytical, Logical & Creative Thinking: Generates of code comments and end user documentation. Relevance to Work: Employees must finish projects with documentation describing installation, use and maintenance. STANDARDS AND COMPETENCIES Standard: C-18 Test and follow a Quality Assurance Process Total Learning Hours for Standard: 50 Competency Competency Description C-18.1 Create a testing plan C-18.2 Implement a testing plan C-18.3 Demonstrate ability to provide feedback to the development process EALRs or GLEs (Taught & Assessed in Standards) Math 2.2.4 Determine whether a solution is viable, is mathematically correct, and answers the question(s). 3.3.2 Evaluate reasonableness of results. SKILLS Leadership: 2.2 The student will demonstrate knowledge of conflict resolution and challenge management. 2.3 The student will analyze the complex responsibilities of the leader and follower and demonstrate the ability to both lead and follow. Employability: Technology B. Applies Technology to Task – Understands overall intent and proper procedures to setup and operation of equipment Technology C. Maintains and Troubleshoots Equipment – Prevents, identifies, or solves problems with equipment, including computers and other technologies Analytical, Logical & Creative Thinking: Judges effectiveness/efficiency of solution Relevance to Work: Employees must test software throughout the software development process. STANDARDS AND COMPETENCIES Standard: C-19 Computer Architecture Total Learning Hours for Standard: 50 Competency Competency Description C-19.1 Outline the structure of the central processing unit (CPU) including the functions of the control unit (CU), the arithmetic and logic unit (ALU), primary memory and address buses C-19.2 Outline the meaning of the terms bit (b) and byte (B) and their derivatives. C-19.3 Outline the meaning of the terms word, register and address and their use in the storage of data and instructions. C-19.4 Outline the steps in the machine instruction cycle: fetch, decode, execute and store. C-19.5 Outline the characteristics of primary memory and the difference between volatile and non-volatile memory. C-19.6 Outline the characteristics of secondary memory and define sequential and direct access. C-19.7 Outline the function of a microprocessor designed to perform one or a limited number of functions (within a car, washing machine and so on). C-19.8 Discuss the features, advantages, disadvantages and applications of specific input and output devices and the media used by each. C-19.9 Outline recent developments in computer system architecture including processor architecture, primary memory technologies and secondary memory devices. EALRs or GLEs (Taught & Assessed in Standards) Math 2.2.4 Determine whether a solution is viable, is mathematically correct, and answers the question(s). 3.3.2 Evaluate reasonableness of results. SKILLS Leadership: 2.2 The student will demonstrate knowledge of conflict resolution and challenge management. 2.3 The student will analyze the complex responsibilities of the leader and follower and demonstrate the ability to both lead and follow. Employability: Technology B. Applies Technology to Task – Understands overall intent and proper procedures to setup and operation of equipment Technology C. Maintains and Troubleshoots Equipment – Prevents, identifies, or solves problems with equipment, including computers and other technologies Analytical, Logical & Creative Thinking: Judges effectiveness/efficiency of solution Observe Patterns Sequence Classify Compare/Contrast Predict Cause/Effect Fact/Opinion Main Idea Summary Point of View Analysis Finding Evidence Evaluation Detect Bias Inference Conclusion Metacognition Reasoning Problem Solving Goal Setting Fluency Elaboration Flexibility Originality Risking Inquisitiveness Attending Persistence Precision Relevance to Work: Employees must test software throughout the software development process. STANDARDS AND COMPETENCIES Standard: C-20 The role of computing in society Total Learning Hours for Standard: 50 Competency Competency Description C-20.1 Analyze the influence of computing technologies on culture and commerce C-20.2 Discuss ethical and unethical uses of computing technology C-20.3 Describe emerging technologies and their anticipated impact C-20.4 Explain the pros and cons of hacking and cracking EALRs or GLEs (Taught & Assessed in Standards) Math SKILLS Leadership: Employability: Technology A. Selects technology – chooses procedures, tools or equipment including computers and related technologies Analytical, Logical & Creative Thinking: Assesses the impact of a given technology solution Observe Patterns Sequence Classify Compare/Contrast Predict Cause/Effect Fact/Opinion Main Idea Summary Point of View Analysis Finding Evidence Evaluation Detect Bias Inference Conclusion Metacognition Reasoning Problem Solving Goal Setting Fluency Elaboration Flexibility Originality Risking Inquisitiveness Attending Persistence Precision Relevance to Work: Employees must know what constitutes appropriate use of technology to make ethical decisions STANDARDS AND COMPETENCIES Standard: C-21 Computer Systems Total Learning Hours for Standard: 50 Competency Competency Description C-21.1 Define the term "operating system". C-21.2 Outline the functions of operating systems. C-21.3 Discuss the characteristics of various computer systems including single users and multi-users, in both single-tasking and multi-tasking environments. C-21.4 Compare the characteristics and applications of different kinds of computers. C-21.5 Outline the principal characteristics of batch processing, online (interactive) processing and real-time processing. C-21.6 Outline applications that use each of the processing methods in C-21.5: batch processing (payroll and bank cheque processing); interactive (online) processing; word processing; computer games; real-time processing (air traffic control and monitoring of patients in hospital intensive care). C-21.7 Explain the relationship between master and transaction files. C-21.8 Discuss the reliability of the system including the implications of failure. EALRs or GLEs (Taught & Assessed in Standards) Math SKILLS Leadership: Employability: Technology A. Selects technology – chooses procedures, tools or equipment including computers and related technologies Analytical, Logical & Creative Thinking: Assesses the impact of a given technology solution Observe Patterns Sequence Classify Compare/Contrast Predict Cause/Effect Fact/Opinion Main Idea Summary Point of View Analysis Finding Evidence Evaluation  Detect Bias Inference Conclusion Metacognition Reasoning Problem Solving Goal Setting Fluency Elaboration Flexibility Originality Risking Inquisitiveness Attending Persistence Precision Relevance to Work: Employees must know what constitutes appropriate use of technology to make ethical decisions STANDARDS AND COMPETENCIES Standard: C-22 Networked computer systems Total Learning Hours for Standard: 50 Competency Competency Description C-22.1 Define local area network (LAN), wide area network (WAN), server and client. C-22.2 Explain basic network topologies. C-22.3 Explain the hardware required in networking. C-22.4 Define the terms "standard protocol", "data integrity" and "data security" in the context of data transmission across a network. C-22.5 Explain the software involved in networking. C-22.6 Describe suitable methods to ensure data integrity in the transmission of data. C-22.7 Describe suitable methods to ensure data security. C-22.8 Discuss the need for speed in data transmission, and how speed can be enhanced C-22.9 Discuss networking applications and the implications of networking for organizations, including internal communications, electronic mail, e-commerce, conferencing and distributed processing. C-22.10 Outline the functions of a web browser and search engine including displaying an HTML page, following hyperlinks and searching on key words. EALRs or GLEs (Taught & Assessed in Standards) Math SKILLS Leadership: Employability: Technology A. Selects technology – chooses procedures, tools or equipment including computers and related technologies Analytical, Logical & Creative Thinking: Assesses the impact of a given technology solution Observe Patterns Sequence Classify Compare/Contrast Predict Cause/Effect Fact/Opinion Main Idea Summary Point of View Analysis Finding Evidence Evaluation Detect Bias Inference Conclusion Metacognition Reasoning Problem Solving Goal Setting Fluency Elaboration Flexibility Originality Risking Inquisitiveness Attending Persistence Precision Relevance to Work: Employees must know what constitutes appropriate use of technology to make ethical decisions